I’d just sat down for five minutes me time the other day while Jaycee Junior was out under the sprinkler at the end of a hot day. I hear screams and mummy’s. Bugger I think, there goes my five minutes of peace. I meet Jaycee Junior at the back door and he presents his thumb to me with something poking out of it. A fly bit me, he sobs. I pull out the bee sting (every insect is a fly at the moment).
After I did this he came inside and we had huggles with him sitting on my lap and it occurred to me that a bee wouldn’t usually bite someone on their thumb but if that someone was trying to catch a fly it might bite them on the thumb. I finally established that that’s what happened and I don’t think he’ll be doing it again. I was worried there might be an allergic reaction, but this time it was ok. I have been told since though, that it could be worse next time if he is allergic.