Regarding my post about my insurance debacle – I have an update and nearly some closure. I arrived back from my conference and then from picking up my son to have two phone messages on my answering machine from the insurance company I complained to. In the second one she said she was sending me a letter explaining also, but I decided to ring her back on the direct number. Would you believe it I got some guy and he said the phone system was playing up and he then put me through to switchboard. I got the run around and by the time I was speaking to the third or fourth person I was saying I’d be putting in another complaint about getting the run around. I must have some patience as I held on, and I was paying for an interstate phone call. I finally got through to the person I’d been after in the first place so goodness knows what was happening with the phone system but the number I was given was the correct number. She apologised and said I’d been given incorrect information the first time I rang up and thought things were resolved and she’s going to speak to the call centre staff. And if it happens again I’ve got her number I can ring her directly. It had bloody better not happen again.