I’ve got less than one week of my long holidays left although I’m already looking forward to the next one as I’ve paid a deposit to go to Bali in the middle of the year!
Last week a couple of friends and I (and associated kids) hired a holiday house on Yorke Peninsula for a few days. It was a bit windy the first couple of days but then the wind dropped and the weather was lovely for the last two.
I’m not sure what it is about staying near the beach that makes you tired, but it does. I think packing for the holiday, driving to the destination and then settling in has a bit to do with it.
One afternoon we went to a local swimming beach and the kids had lots of fun jumping off rocks while I photographed them.
I love that my camera will let me take continuous photos. It works really well in capturing a sequence like the above, and like this.
See the rest of the photos here.
It’s going to be hard to get up next Wednesday morning, see my son safely off into grade 3, and then toddle off to work to trawl through a whole bunch of mostly meaningless emails. I’m going to have to put on a good act to make it look like I’m happy to be back at work. At least it will only be a two day week for me before the weekend.
Any tips on how I can motivate myself are very welcome.