You wake up on the weekend and as you don’t have much planned you think you’ll drag yourself along to a cafe for a breakfast not cooked by you and you know a cafe that has good breakfasts and great coffee.
You turn up to the cafe and of course you haven’t booked and it’s packed. It’s a gorgeous spring morning so all the tables are full outside as well as inside. Other people are turning up and looking around hopefully for a table as well.
You spot some movement at a nearby table and make a beeline toward it and hover around hoping they are actually leaving the cafe.
Phew. They are. Even though the table’s not cleared you sit down and wait for your friends and hope that they’re not too late. You’re kind of stuck at the table now. It’s a cafe where you have to order at the counter, and you’re hanging out for a coffee after a few drinks and a late night the night before so you want to keep your place so someone else doesn’t sit there.
A stressed waiter comes and clears the table and you let them know your friends will arrive any minute so they don’t think you’re just sitting there passing the time for the heck of it. As if!
You dig your phone out of your bag to make sure nobody’s texted to say they’re running late or they can’t make it. Nothing. You check Facebook, like a few updates, comment on a couple. Still nothing. You check Twitter, link through to a news article to read it. You don’t want to look up because you know there are people waiting for somewhere to sit. You half expect the waiter to come and tap you on the shoulder and ask if you’re ever going to order.
Finally, you sense some hurried movement near the door. You look up as your friends rush to your table apologising profusely for being late. You can relax now.