As written a few days ago I’m thinking of turning a website I’ve done into a blog.
I finished off the last instalment with how easy it was to install WordPress and that I’m very impressed with the WordPress documentation. That was before I started the configuration.
I find myself going round in circles with it.
I’ve managed to install another theme. That’s easy. Anything that has to be installed is easy but trying to do anything else more manually isn’t easy for me yet.
There is loads of documentation, but I haven’t yet come across the type of documentation I’m looking for and that’s probably because there is so much out there that wading through it all is the trouble.
I’ve created some categories and I want to change the order of the categories. I found out how to do that I thought and went and did it but nothing’s happened on the website.
I started putting the About page together and then realised that inserting an image wasn’t so easy. The website I’m converting is very image heavy so after some reading I’ve had to install yet another plug-in to add images. There are loads of image type plug-ins so it will be trial and error.
I’m about to spend some more time on it now so hopefully things will start to fall into place.