This time five years ago, my love, you were born after a 24 hour labour. You were a big baby (9lb, 6oz, 4.25kg) and you nearly had to be delivered via a ceasarean but I pushed you out in the end. In the hospital you were really good at first, just lying there and sleeping when you were tired. Then the wheels came off around the time my breast milk came in. The last night in hospital you just cried and cried and cried and you also did this the first night you came home – probably because you slept all day and just couldn’t settle that night.
By the time the next morning came around after I’d had a couple of hours sleep all night I was ready to send you back. Only joking – well kinda.
Mummy sorted out your sleeping and it was a hard struggle but I stuck with it and I’m sure you’re a happier boy for it now. You go to bed on time and without a fuss which sure makes my life a hell of a lot easier.
On Monday, you turned five. The five years have gone quickly, yet slowly, and you are preparing to go to school.
Because it’s a milestone in your life mummy decided to throw you a big party and I think you had a pretty good time. You were very well behaved and opened up the cards before opening the presents. You thanked people for their presents and were a great host.
We invited heaps of kids from childcare, some friends and family came from two hours away to help you celebrate, and some other local friends came, including your special adult friends. I wasn’t sure about how the party would go and I didn’t sleep very well the two preceding nights as all these guests totalled about 20 kids and nearly as many adults.
I worried that there wouldn’t be enough food or enough entertainment but apart from me suffering from a head cold and forgetting a few things it went really well. Because the party was at a local community centre I had to remember to take everything and I forgot some of the food and then the milk for hot drinks. I even forgot to bring some things home which we had to pick up a couple of days later.
A couple of kids left early and I even forgot to give them their lolly bags. It wasn’t until one of my sisters reminded me about them that I started giving them out.
We were lucky with the entertainment in that Kazza and Miss M were the entertainment directors. Miss M led the games and got the kids playing musical statues. I found it hard to be the baddy and tell the kids that they’d moved and were out of the game but we got there in the end. Then Miss M led a game of Duck, Duck, Goose followed by Kazza doing an animal parade before telling her story of Tiddalik the Frog. The kids, and you, loved it.
Mummy, caught up in your fifth birthday madness, invited a heap of these party goers back to our place for a soiree that night. It’s not until I get a few guests around that I realise my house really isn’t that big, especially with kids running around. I get a bit stressed about it all and it took me a while to wind down. Once I got all you kids to bed I was able to relax a bit more and you thought it was great because your mate Izak slept with you in your room.
You did well with all the presents you got and the common theme amongst them was books and games. You love books and you love games so it’s a winner all around. You even got a little fish tank with two goldfish and a yabby. I’m a bit worried about the yabby as it hasn’t moved for a couple of days.
Anyway sweetheart, I hope you embrace the next phase of your life. I love you lots and lots and I’m blessed that you came into my life.