The 37 or so week pregnant Claire Robertson has started a new blog Kiddley with her husband Phil. Their blog is about every day ideas for you and your kids. Let’s face it when you’re not a crafty or a very imaginative person, when it comes to amusing kids, this website is a godsend.
I find it hard to get inspired to write in my own blog sometimes but when looking at their website I had a light bulb moment about kids clothing on a budget. I submitted the idea to Kiddley. They thought it was great and decided to serialise it over the next five weeks starting today. Mind you what they’re planning for the last week’s budget clothing for kids idea is strictly Claire’s domain – ‘Making clothes for your kids’. I don’t do that stuff. I don’t have time for that stuff. But the other ideas are all mine.
After I submitted the idea I thought, darnit, I should have used that idea to write a blog post on my website but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of exposure from a well known blogger. I actually have run with my personalised version of what Kiddley will be expanding on this week and the next three weeks about clothing your kids on a budget. See it here.
I might expand on the budget theme here in the future. I’m planning for my son’s fifth birthday party and I don’t do expensive kids parties with a $250 party clown. I don’t know if this is how much they cost but I’m sure they aren’t cheap. I want to do something a bit special as it’s his fifth birthday and he will soon leave his comfort zone of childcare and start in the public schooling world. Therefore I want to invite kids from childcare, friend’s kids, mother’s group kids etc etc and make this a biggish party before he starts school.