I planned and pulled off my first ever surprise party for someone. It was a good friend’s 40th last week and she’s been in denial about turning 40 and consequently did not plan anything to celebrate. She did some little stuff with some close friends and family but that was to be it.
In come myself and another friend, J. J said we should organise something and I ran with it. J was coming to Adelaide to conduct a singing workshop with 40th birthday girl, myself and another friend so I had the perfect excuse for birthday girl to be around. I organised for about five other close friends to arrive later on in the afternoon, we would get birthday girl to answer the door where the guests would spring the surprise.
It didn’t quite go to plan because the doorbell went and went and went and we were in the back room unable to hear a thing. I could hear Monty going mad so I figured they must be there but I thought I can’t get birthday girl to answer the door without raising her suspicions. I went to the front door and told them there was a slight change of plans and they should rush round the back and surprise her that way. The only impediment I thought there might be was birthday girl’s daughter who also did not have a clue because she came to the front door after me wondering what was going on.
Birthday girl was suitably surprised and very pleased and we had a great night. Most of the guests slept over so it ended up being a pajama party. There was one girl there I didn’t really know and one I do know but don’t like very much. I liked the girl I didn’t really know and the one I didn’t like that much turned out to be okay on the night.
Everyone brought along some food to share and some booze and I’ve still got two bottles of bubbly in the fridge and we had more than enough food to go around and enough for breakfast yesterday morning.
It was a really good feeling to be able to organise something like this and have it go down really well. I would never do it for someone who I didn’t think would appreciate it as some people are not into surprises but we chose wisely for our surprise recipient. She’s been through a down patch lately and it was just the boost she needed.