Last night I got home and organised dinner for Jaycee Junior and organised my lunch for today. I felt like watching a daily quota of soap opera so we sat down to watch Neighbours together then I ran a bath for my son.
I don’t sit with him while he’s bathing anymore as I don’t venture far from the bathroom so I figure if he’s yelling, talking and splashing then he’s not drowning in the shallow bath I run for him. I sat down with a glass of wine and watched my second installment of soap for the evening (if you don’t count Desperate Housewives as that’s on when he’s well and truly in bed) and towards the end of it – Home and Away – I heard this really funny noise.
It was enough to make me mute the television then throw the remote on the floor once I realised it was a choking sound and sprint the short distance to the bathroom, cause remember I can hear clearly what’s going on in there.
It freaked me out somewhat that this noise that I hadn’t ever heard before was coming from the bathroom where my son was having a bath and I thought he was drowning. As I got to the bathroom he was getting out of the bath saying ‘I’ve been sick’ and sure enough there was some vomit in the bath.
All I can figure out is that he swallowed some water which made him sick. He assured me that he didn’t need to go to bed with a bucket right next to him just in case and he was fine after the initial shock of being sick in the bath.