Went to my first 40th for the year yesterday. Last year there were quite a few 40ths and this year will be just about as many, if not more. It was fun yesterday though. I got back from being away for a few days over the new year and unpacked, got ready and went straight there. It was in the birthday boy’s backyard so the time and the place made it kid friendly.
Jaycee Junior is pretty social so he had no trouble settling in straight away and handing out chips to everyone. Once some other friends of his rocked up I hardly saw him and he had his latest night since he was a non-sleeping newborn – 11.30pm. He did very well and despite the fact he didn’t sleep in that much this morning and hasn’t had a sleep today he’s been very good.
Am off again tomorrow for a night and two days so look forward to that. Am so glad I’m not heading back to work tomorrow as I’m nowhere near ready for it, either physically or emotionally and it will be good to have four days to potter around and do stuff in readiness for the work onslaught because it will be busy to start with.