I said a few days ago that I would start keeping a dream journal. I’ve been having dreams but they’ve been interrupted by midnight phone calls for two nights then Jaycee Junior waking up a couple of times last night.
On Sunday night the phone rang around midnight and of course it woke me up with my heart racing, me fumbling around trying to find the light switch and trying to do all this before the answering machine cut in. I picked up the phone anyway and it was a hang up. Two minutes later the phone rang again and I rushed out of bed and went to the other phone in the lounge to hear if anyone was going to leave a message before I answered. It was another hang up. I went to the toilet and then back to bed. Then Monday night around 3am the same thing happened, but only once this time. I didn’t bother answering it as the answering machine picked up but whoever it was on the other end hung up again.
The only thing I can think of as to who this might be is my son’s father who resides in London and could be trying to do this in the hope I can do the equivalent to England’s 1471 and find out the number so I can ring back. We don’t have that equivalent unless a person rings and nothing or nobody answers. I would love to have the England 1471 equivalent as I’d love to know who is interrupting my sleep. Don’t know if I would ring him back, however, as he could at least pay for a phone call to me seeing as he doesn’t pay anything else towards his son’s upkeep.
Then last night I took the phone off the hook and went to bed hoping for an interrupted night’s sleep but Jaycee Junior woke up a couple of times whimpering. This is very rare for him so perhaps he was having the dreams I was supposed to be having. Consequently I turned the alarm off and woke up 20 minutes after the alarm would have gone off anyway.