After this week I would say never buy an old house – and if you do buy an old house make sure you get a decent building inspection. My ceiling was stuffed when I bought the house and the building inspector didn’t even go up into the roof cavity because of all the insulation up there. If they had they may have found the damaged ceiling joists and I would have offered less for the house so I could get it fixed. The job is going to cost me double originally quoted because of all of this. I suppose I count my blessings that it wasn’t worse and the whole woodwork in the roof needed replacing. They’re coming back tomorrow to finish off and then I can get stuck into the painting. I’m also going to get the floor in my bedroom sanded as the carpet was awful and I got the workmen to rip it up. So my bedroom is having a ceiling to floor makeover – literally.
Yesterday we got away from it all and went up the Adelaide Hills to a friends new property near Macclesfield. It was lovely up there and even though it was a moving in party I didn’t actually do that much and everything was done my mid afternoon anyway so we were able to relax for the rest of the day. There was a playmate there for my son so he was occupied therefore not bothering me too much. Bliss.