Some people go home to escape from work. At the moment, I’m going to work to escape being home. More specifically having to deal with the misbehaviour of my son. He’s being a real ratbag both at school and at after school care.
I’m not burying my head in the sand, as much as I want to, but talking to relevant carers/teachers to try and sort out his behavioural problems.
My eyes are a bit puffy today from a frustrated teary session last night and I’m taking lots of deep breaths and saying the mantra, ‘alcohol will not solve this problem’.
Oh Jen, keep your head up. This too shall pass. JJ is probably making an adjustment (maybe to the whole school thing) and is acting out until he figures just what it is that is unsettling for him. It all takes time, patience, and love. My daughter’s having a similar time with Bella right now…pretty obstinate and doesn’t want to listen to anyone. This is NOT uncommon…hang in there.