Blink and you miss it – the last month that is.
We got his application done and submitted – finally. Now it’s the waiting game.
So the school holidays were clouded with his application deadline looming. We did, however, manage to fit a few things in like the kite festival. Unfortunately there was no wind the day we went so it was a bit of a fizzer.
But we caught up with some friends which is always good.
The lad got to go for a ride on the carousel, or the hurdy gurdy. Does anyone call it that anymore?
They don’t go faster if you try. He tried.
Beach near sunset for a fly of a kite.
There was a bit of limited success and a bit of running up and down the beach to try and get the thing in the air.
But when all else fails, the ocean is there for the swimming and as it was probably pretty much the last decent swimming weather – why not?
I’m just going to have to say how much I want the warm weather and sunshine over here please! I love the attempt to fly the kite, wind or not too 🙂