Last week I participated in @problogger Twitter chat about content for your blog. I thought I might get some blog fodder myself out of it so decided to keep the most common themes from the chat in a Storify story so I’d have something to come back to later.
For those who haven’t used Storify it’s really easy to create a story by searching multiple social media platforms and dragging tweets, photos etc into your story.
As #pbchat (the Twitter hashtag) was super popular there were heaps and heaps of Tweets and after a while Storify just gave up collecting them for me to add. I gather there’s a limit to the amount of Tweets it can search for – around 500.
So I had to get creative about how to add tweets to my story. I did what I could using the interface on Storify but when it reached its limit the ‘Show more results’ button at the bottom of the search pane on the right simply didn’t show any more.
But, there’s a Storify bookmarklet you can drag to your bookmark bar which works in a similar way to the Pin It button for Pinterest by adding a Storify link to each tweet – see below.
Then I went to, searched for #pbchat, scrolled down to the Tweets that Storify wouldn’t show me and individually saved them.
You can choose to add to ‘my private collection’ or an existing published story. As I hadn’t published I added them to my private collection and in Storify added the tweets to the story.
This took a while but I was able to get the main tweets I wanted to keep. If the embedded story doesn’t show below, here it is.