I’ve managed to stay away from this blog for the whole of this year thus far. That hasn’t been hard.
At the end of last year I was sick of reading 2013 recap posts so I purposely didn’t do one of my own. I’m not a Christmas fan so didn’t want to write about that either.
At the beginning of this year I was sick of reading welcome to 2014 posts so I didn’t do one of my own. It’s because I’m bolshy but that doesn’t help a girl maintain a blog that she really wants to keep doing.
Plus I was on holidays and it became a holiday away from digital as well. That was bloody brilliant. There was some work that I’d lined up over my break but it’s been delayed and I was happy about that. I really needed to be away from thinking and I was enjoying our staycation. My unplanned digital break kept me away from my more ‘professional blog’ too – Content is. I have some posts in draft there so I’ll get back to that.
It’s also because I don’t know what the hell I want to do this year. A friend asked me what my dreams are and I didn’t know off the top of my head. That’s a bit sad isn’t it?
Sure there’s things I want to do. I want to go to Switzerland to visit my friends and see and stay in their re-modelled Swiss chalet. I should just book flights and just have the date of travel and organise things from there. Afterall that’s how I did my backpacking overseas trip all those years ago. This is the year I should do it. It’s my son’s last year of primary school and I’d rather him miss some of that than high school. But then the adult voice in my head tells me, ‘you don’t even know if you have a job past the end of February yet girl. How are you gonna pay for this trip?’
I’d like to do up my very outdated kitchen and bathroom but due to not knowing where to start, I never start anything. There’s also other things holding me back on this one like the local council wanting to buy a chunk of my backyard to widen the nearby laneway. If I go ahead with the land sale then I’ll have money to update the kitchen and bathroom. Still don’t know where to start with an expensive exercise updating these two rooms would entail.
I’m glad I started writing this. It’s one of the real benefits of blogging/writing for me – getting my thoughts out there. Damnit, there are things I want to do.
I’m having some girlfriends over on Saturday night to workshop an idea they’ve had about an acapella choir. The world is screaming out for this type of choir I think. Well, in my dreams it is. We’ll be shit-hot. Just gotta get it off the ground, but that’s the type of thing I do. Get ideas off the ground.
I’ve joined a photography meetup group in Adelaide to get my off my arse and take more photos. Since I stopped the photo a day at the end of 2012 I do miss it but haven’t found another photography groove yet. I am lusting after a new compact camera though, the Sony RX100, as talked about on Petapixel recently. Perhaps when I sort out my work situation for after the end of Feb, I’ll be able to justify buying one.
This isn’t a dream, but a must-do. As mentioned above it’s JJ’s last year in primary school. I’d like him to go to a decent state high school and there are some good high schools in our area except the one we’re zoned for which means he has to apply. This will mean a busy few months checking things out and writing applications. Fingers crossed for him.
So, I’ve done what I said I wasn’t going to do. I’ve written a ‘what I hope 2014 is for me’ post. Oh well. Bandwagon – I’ve jumped on you.
yay – I do the “I am not jumping on that bandwagon” dance.
I am even contemplating Vision Boards. Things is getting possible. Love the idea of the acapella choir.