Do you use your ceiling fans in winter? I do. There’s a little switch on the side of them and one setting is for summer and the other for winter. It’s all about the air movement and which way warm and cold air flows and so on.
With my old house and high ceilings and I try to do all that I can to stay warm in winter in the one room that has decent heating. And in summer I have my fans on all the time because any air movement is better than none.
Do you have a tumble dryer to dry your clothes? I don’t. I use a combination of the outside clothesline and this inside clothes hanger in winter. It gets dragged into the aforementioned warm room so the clothes dry in a day or two.
In winter I have to time washing the sheets when it’s not going to rain so they have some hope of mostly drying in that day. I have my favourite flannelette sheets which is why I wash and reuse the same ones most of the time.
My drying in winter was fun when JJ was a baby and I had cloth nappies to dry as well. Luckily I only wash for two of us so this system seems to work.
And one more question. See that picture on the telly? What show is it from?
Q1 – I only discovered this fact a few weeks ago – apparently it has always been there, but I just never realised. We do tend to use the fans less in Winter, however.
Q2 – we do have a dryer. I am not in charge of the laundry these days, so I turn a blind eye as to what extent it is used in the interests of marital harmony.
Q3 – I have no idea.
Lucky you not being in charge of the laundry. I don’t mind doing it, except for the folding up and putting away bit. Can’t stand that.
As for Q3 – a clue – ‘It’s a story, of a lovely lady….”
1. I don’t have ceiling fans and had no idea.
2. No dryer or microwave either. I refuse to have them.
3. Neighbours?
I do have a microwave – very handy for heating things up.
No, it’s not Neighbours. Wrong country. Wrong decade. It’s about a family though.
We have a gas space heater and often I turn on the ceiling fan (in the same room) to help push the warm air around – otherwise it just tends to all hang around up at ceiling height – not a problem for me but some of the shorter members of the family would miss out otherwise.
One of my favourite t-shirts features the Brady family (bought back from the US as a present from a good friend). Always gets positive comments, though intriguingly Mr Brady is missing – just has the 6 kids, Mrs Brady and Alice with the title in the middle.
I would love to see that t-shirt. Wonder why Mr Brady is missing. Oh, and of course you’re spot on with the tv show being the Brady Bunch. Now, if I could just have an Alice at my house!
It’s a white version of this –
I love it. I want one.
Ah, my older daughter’s current second-favourite show on television!
Now I want to know what her favourite show is.
Currently it is Once Upon a Time – when in season, it is Merlin.
I watch both those shows with my son. About the only tv we both like.
No fans in this house, but we did have them in the old place – the switch didn’t have indicators for which direction was cool/warm so we spent lots of time the first week standing underneath fans to work out of it was blowing warm air down or moving air around to cool.
I wouldn’t know which way they’re supposed to turn depending on the season, but I guess you could search for that info.