Sunday, 31 July 2011, Day 250/365.
It must be heading towards spring as there are trees around with blossoms on them. Note the extra big blossoms under the tree?
I took them to the Almond Blossom Festival at Willunga last weekend. JJ got hold of some helium balloons and he had to chase them across the ground when the wind had their way with them, but luckily he caught them.
On his way back to me someone stopped him to ask him something. All I could see was JJ talking to someone who was obscured from my view by a tree so I went over to investigate.
It was a man in his late 40s, early 50s with a DSLR camera and he wanted to take a photo of JJ holding the balloons. My spidey sense went on alert and I politely said no thanks and we walked off.
I thought about it afterwards and wondered if I was being a bit hypocritical because am I not always taking photos and sometimes I take photos of people without them knowing.
I thought no, I wasn’t. I had to trust my instincts and my instincts told me that something was not quite right with this man. Goodness knows how many photos he took of JJ chasing the balloons but he didn’t get a chance for my gorgeous son to pose for him. The fact that he was standing by a tree all by himself mostly away from crowds but easily able to see the people who walked in and out of the gates was a bit dodgy to me.
It just made me shiver. Of course I had to explain to JJ why I didn’t want this man taking photos of him. Of course he’s used to me on the other side of the camera and thinks it’s normal to have his photo taken. I didn’t go into minute detail but I said that we didn’t know this man and we didn’t know what he was going to use the photo for.
Hey, I think you made the right move on saying no to that man. The fact that he gave you the heebie-jeebies means there must be really something wrong with the picture (pun intended). As moms, we do need to trust our instincts. And even if he had good intentions, it was not your loss if he didn’t get to take a pic of your son.
That is a bit odd. I love that monster shirt in your pic, think it comes in adult sizes?
I think that one came from an op shop and it’s pretty big on her. I’ve also seen something around where you can make these if you’re into that sort of thing.