It is now my three week anniversary of being unemployed. I was all right up until a few days ago. I had something to look forward to last week because I had a job interview and I had a few days away.
Now that both of these are over with the prospect of I don’t know how much time out of work looms before me and I’m having a hard time adjusting. Everyone keeps saying that something will turn up and I guess something will but I’m impatient and I like to be in control and this situation is so out of my control that I’m not quite sure what to do.
I have been wallowing in self pity a bit the last few days but know that this mindset will get me nowhere so I’m trying my best to lift myself out of this funk.
Even though people moan and groan about having to go to work, and I’ve been one of those, it’s not until you don’t have a job to go to that you really want to get back to moaning and groaning about going back to work.
I’ve been on the phone to Centrelink (to get unemployment benefits) and have to go and see them on Monday. I hate that whole process but I need some money coming in while I search for work even though it is a pittance.
My son said to me this morning that I should start my own business and I have thought about it and I have even talked about it here but I don’t think I’m cut out for it. And bless him, he also said that I’m the smartest person he knows that knows about computers and the like.
In the meantime I’m putting on my positive attitude because the non-positive one really didn’t make me feel that good at all. I’ve also found myself a project to be carrying along with – something to occupy my days. I might also even get around to finishing off painting my bedroom. For some reason I didn’t paint the bedroom door and I did the rest of the room six years ago. Talk about procrastination.
Oh, and the interview I went to last week? I didn’t get that job. I’d felt like something was a bit wrong at the interview and that I didn’t quite have whatever they were looking for. What I am finding is that there are some jobs out there that want the type of experience I’ve got but don’t want to pay what I want to earn and what I think is a reasonable sum to earn. How is it that someone can advertise a job for someone to come up with strategies, implement these strategies and liaise with senior staff and so on, and not compensate them properly for this?
Just in case there’s anyone out there who reads this who has a fabulous job available for an online content (web and social media) type person, I’m your woman.
Hi Jen,
I can’t believe it but this week I’ve been approached by a couple of marketing people wanting to help us with promotion of our business.I was interested because the strategies I have been using are not getting the volume of customers I want. None of them had any kind of online strategy. I sincerely understand you may not want to go into business for yourself, but I reckon there is a real niche market in the business world for mentors who can assist over 30s to do online stuff. I reckon these people need one on one help and not a course, because clearly they are afraid. Email me if you want to know more.
Good luck with the job hunting. Stay positive and I have no doubt something perfect will pop up