I had to do a bit of a cleanup in my kitchen over the weekend. You see I had an uninvited guest. This guest had overstayed its welcome and wouldn’t take any of my hints to leave. It was eating my food and leaving a mess behind that was dirty.
Until Friday this guest had been invisible to me. One of my hints for it to leave was to block up a little hole I thought it might have been using and this is why I think I saw it. I was sitting at my kitchen table and out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement. I looked over and saw a little mouse start to run across the floor because his little escape route had gone, he then saw me watching him. He sat down momentarily and licked his paw and then ran across the floor and behind the stove.
I dug out a mousetrap and set it. I was around when the mouse had a couple of goes at it but managed to escape. I changed the bait to cheese.
Monty the dog had a go at getting the cheese. I could tell it was her and not the mouse because she immediately ran into the lounge looking very sheepish. When I looked at the mousetrap it was upside down and had moved fairly considerably from where I’d placed it so there was no way it was the mouse.
On Mother’s Day morning I was greeted with a dead mouse which in a weird kind of way was a good present because then I knew that my uninvited guest would bother me no longer.
The mouse had left his little signs all over the place so the pantry cupboard had a good cleanout.
He’d also managed to get into my bottom kitchen drawer so I had to clean that out also. I knew I had some bibs in there but the photo below shows only the ones that I kept which was about half of what was in there.
The photo below is pre good, long, hot wash.
In a way the mouse did me a favour. The bibs that can be reused will go to someone who will actually use them and not linger in my drawer any more.