I used to do blog bits and bobs where I linked to blogs posts I’d enjoyed recently. I’ve stopped doing it because it was a bit time consuming and as blogging is my hobby it fell to the bottom of the list.
I’m going to try and reinstate it using Google shared items. Read how to set it up.
Because the Google shared items are dynamic and new shared items are automatically added I’ll repost this once a week and the new items will automatically be shown. I’ll see how it goes anyway – this is an experiment.
Below are the blog posts I’ve enjoyed recently. Because it is generated using Javascript the links may not show up in a feed reader. Like I said, it’s an experiment. Updated: now it doesn’t show up in my feed reader – damnit! Does anyone know of another way of doing something like this?
I don’t know how to do it automatically but I can understand you wanting to. It can be quite time consuming. What I tend to do is start my post at the start of the week in draft form and add posts that I like to it as the week progresses. Then finish it off on Thursday (I’m working on it now) and publish Friday morning (on my Blogworld blog). I find it’s not too bad doing it like this.
I too used to do this, but would then forget about it, or not able to update it for some reason. Perhaps I’ll have to go back to doing this.
I’ve had shared items on my blog for ages, totally automatic if you’re using Blogger for your blog and Google reader – just click on the “share” button and it appears. How you do it otherwise I know not but it’s VERY useful for those posts that you read (like “what’s this flower?”) that you really don’t want to comment on just let your readers find for themselves. Actually I use mine for news items that I don’t feel need me to add anything (which doesn’t include your flower question). My “interest” stuff, as in it isn’t work-related, goes into a draft and gets published when I’ve got ten links even if that takes three or four weeks!
I have wanted to do this for awhile but like you said I forget and the time to do it .. I have a heap of awards to post and share links with.
I like what Lightening said and Hazel.