In South Australia at the moment it’s school holidays. I’ve taken one week off to have a break from work and spend some time with my son. It’s also given me time to recover from being in Sydney for four days last week.
Being on holidays means our routine is pretty much thrown out the window and because there is competing time for the computer (me for blogging and some work I have on, and him for the rabbit game) it’s hard to sit down and find time to blog and read items in my feed reader.
So how do I do it? Playschool that’s how. As I type this Playschool is on television and he’s jumping around to the songs they’re singing. It’s a great show that he’s still into because it’s educational, crafty and fun and it gives me some hassle free time.
Mind you, Playschool is only on for half an hour but it’s surrounded by a couple of other quality shows. I give him an hour or so of tv time, then it’s tv off time and we spend some time together doing other stuff. Today we have some friends coming around and will get outside riding bikes and so on.
If I’m desperate for some more computer time Playschool is on again in the afternoons.
Of course if I need more time for blogging I wait until he’s gone to bed and have uninterrupted time then.
This is my blogging tip for the fantastic competition being run over at ProBlogger. I want to win a WordPress package or hosting because I want to move this blog.
I loove Playschool. And damn, I wish was on holidays right now.
Aaargh – here is the information I needed LAST WEEK!