I’m subscribed to a weblog that posts interesting articles about the type of area I work in. I also use Firefox as my (mostly) browser of choice. When I clicked through to the actual blog from my feed reader, the template wasn’t working properly so I couldn’t actually read the text. It did, however, work in Internet Explorer when I checked it there.
Being the courteous blogger I am I thought I’d email the author to let them know. I hunted around for an email address but couldn’t find one. There was an About page, but no contact information.
So I thought I’d leave a comment and mention it that way. To leave a comment I had to login to WordPress but I don’t have a WordPress login.
So this blogger still doesn’t know that there is a problem with their template and I have no way of letting them know. I did consider adding a link here, but decided against that because I’d rather tell them privately via email.
I even checked the original WordPress theme and that plays nicely in Firefox, so I guess something the blogger has done has broken the theme.
My two main messages to you are: test your blog different browsers if you can, and leave some sort of contact information, or at least make it easy for people to comment.
Sea Eagle says
Just to let you know that you can also report sites that don’t render correctly in Firefox by choosing from the menu Help – Report Broken Website. I believe it lets the Mozilla team know so they can do changes to coding to ensure more sites render correctly in future versions.
Cheers 🙂
jeanie says
Hmm – at least it can’t have been me, as I don’t use WordPress and I use Firefox anyway.
Good tip by Sea Eagle that I didn’t know.
But thanks for the reminder – when I next (finally) get around to updating my site I will put better (i.e. any) contact me information on there!!!
jen says
As per Sea Eagle’s comment, I have now reported the website I talk about to Firefox.