Is it just me or is everyone else having trouble leaving comments on Typepad blogs? I’ve been trying to leave a comment on Joy’s blog for a while now (I haven’t forgotten you Joy) and I simply cannot.
I then tried to leave a comment on my own blog and couldn’t. If anyone’s been trying to leave a comment for me and has had trouble please email me – jenseeya at hotmail dot com so I can gather some data before I email Typepad support.
Obviously some people have been leaving comments on this blog, so perhaps it’s limited to other Typepad users?
It’s very annoying when your blogging platform doesn’t work as it should.
Joy says
I did have a couple of people tell me they had a problem leaving comments a few days ago on a post. I contacted Typepad and they gave me a suggestion to fix it. I did it, and it seemed to work. Are you still having a problem. I have had comments from others since then. Maybe I need to e-mail Typepad again…let me know Jen. I’ve heard a lot of people are having problems with their providers in general..and not just Typepad. You’re right….it’s VERY annoying. Hugs, Joy
Hazel says
I’m not having any trouble with leaving comment for you or Joy so I guess it must be a Typepad problem.
PS Love the necklace!