Finally, finally the Do Not Call Register is operative in Australia. If, like me, you are bothered by telemarketers who call you at the most inconvenient times, ie when you’re cooking dinner and trying to help your child with their writing, then this is for you.
It’s only landline and mobile numbers primarily for domestic use and can take up to 30 days to become effective but it’s got to be better than nothing. Registration can be done online, by phone and by post. I’ve just registered online and it was easy. They are experiencing high demand at the moment but it was nowhere near as slow as trying to book flights on Jetstar after an advertised special.
I’ve got an answering machine and rarely pickup the phone on a weekday evening until I’ve screened the call. Regular callers know I’m screening, but telemarketers hang up so all I hear is a hangup tone and I know I’ve just avoided a call I didn’t want. I’ll still screen, but hopefully there won’t be as many hangups. Screening calls is why I will never use the phone company’s voicemail service, which I have to pay extra for anyway.
Speaking of phone, I’ve recently hooked up Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) for my phone. I was on the phone last night (a whole blog post re that phone call) and the phone in my bedroom starting ringing. I think I’ve effectively got two phonelines into my house now.
Hey Jaycee – I heard on the news last night that the “Do Not Call Register” site crashed yesterday after oversubscription.
Hmmm – maybe they should only allow telemarketers to call people who register on a “Please Call Me Register” – it might be easier!