Being the tragic Big Brother addict that I am I tuned in last night to watch the Golden Key special. Did I mention I’m also an optimist? You’ll see why soon.
Great, I thought, there’s all sorts of people here who ALL have a chance of getting into the house. There’s people older than 25, there’s overweight people, there’s actual real looking people here. But of course out of the 100 or so (some of the 100 were already whittled away because of psych and police testing) five were chosen, one of which would go into the house.
Surprise surprise, out of the five were three young blonde women, one young brunette woman and one guy. So absolutely no deviation from all the other existing housemates.
As Gretel kept calling out the numbers – was that to try and make it appear as though they were choosing numbers out of a hat – my optimism faded more and more with the ‘choices’ that came up onto the stage.
Come on I’m thinking, what about that woman who would so obviously stir the pot. She looked interesting. But no, was she a bit too old and a bit too fat for what Big Brother was looking for.
Please, how stupid do they think we are? As per a mailbag summary on Behind Big Brother, people are disillusioned with the choices of housemates. How many years do the audience need to say that they want to see ‘real’ people in the house. Real, different, people. Not your young, mostly gorgeous crew. Where’s the Chrissies’ or Sarah Maries’ or even Timmys’ of years gone by?
ha ha ha ha
As I have said before, I love Big Brother because it means it makes it easier to turn the television OFF!
Way to screw up a half decent concept in a pathetic attempt to conform to the Paris Hilton lifestyle show.
BTW – have you read Ben Elton’s “Dead Famous”?
By the time 7pm comes around I need to sit down and watch some crap. My son is in the bath so it’s time to relax for me. Like a car crash Big Brother keeps showing up on the telly with me watching it.
No, I haven’t read that book of Ben Elton’s. Isn’t that the one about the reality tv contestent being murdered on the show. Now, that would spice things up a bit.
Yep – basically the show ratings were falling right off despite trying to inject the wierdest mix of members into the house so they kept getting them to do things against their nature until finally they were in a steam tent naked having a drinking binge – and someone is murdered – but the ratings improve.
Very well worth reading – moreso than watching, no doubt!
We have started to watch the occasional Temptation – I once entered but didn’t even make the cut off but can answer the majority from my loungeroom!!!