I know there’s one day to go, but I’m nothing if not optimistic. I suspect come Friday 1 December quite a few bloggers will be taking a break from blogging. I’m pretty sure I will.
I’m proud that I’ve sustained a post a day during the month of November. I can’t say they’ve been all that riveting but I’ve done it nonetheless.
If nothing else I’ve become really good at typing NaBloPoMo. When I first started this NaBloPoMo thing it would come out as NaPoBloMo or NaMoBloPo or maybe I should have just coined NaBloMoFo. I don’t know how the people who are doing the NaNoWriMo are managing. Maybe once I stop doing this one post a day thing, I’ll go check it out.
I might also have a chance to checkout the NaBloPoMo randomizer. I’ve popped on it a few times but with work, blogging, mothering, and relaxing for one hour a day in front of the telly before I fall into bed I haven’t had time.
One more post to go, one more post to go, hi ho the dairyo, one more post to go……..