Sometimes it’s hard to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. We focus in on the smallest detail and fail to see what’s really going on around us.
I’ve largely been caught up in the small detail and every now and again when I do take a big step back I realise things aren’t really that bad.
Sure, JJ has had behavioural issues at school and at after school care, but he’s a good kid really and with my support and love he should turn out quite all right.
It helps that I found out today he’s got into the after school care program at his school as from next year. Apparently it’s quite hard to get in because the demand is high and places aren’t that plentiful.
In the last three weeks before he finishes school for the year I’m doing a bit of juggling with my work time, and getting favours from friends so he’s not at the same after school care all the time. Tomorrow he’s being picked up by a friend who has a pool so he’ll get to go swimming. It’s worked out quite well for him thank you very much. And today for the first time in ages, he was good at the after school care place he’ll be leaving at the end of the year. He even told me that he walked away from a potential fight today at school. There are glimmers of some maturity shining through.