In part 1 I touched briefly on JJ being a bit of a ratbag at school and at after school care. The good news is he’s pretty much settled in at school and I’ve been getting good feedback about him getting along with other kids.
After school care is another matter though. Things are not improving there at all. It’s again at the stage where I dread walking through the door to pick him up. It’s now got to the stage where he might not be able to go there any more.
He’s being rude to his carer, answering her back, not listening to her and generally giving her a hard time. She obviously isn’t able to take the hard line I’ve had to take with him in regards to consequences, partly because she’s got other kids to consider.
I’m at my wits end internet. HELP!! I’m doing (or I’ve restarted a star chart to reward good behaviour). I’ve explained to him over and over how his behaviour is affecting me, his carer, and himself but it’s not sinking in yet.
When I do the role play with the dolls, he gets it, and understands that ‘Don’ is being a naughty boy and my hope is that this will sink in and will extend to real life. He really likes the dolls role play thing and I need to explore that more.
Last night when we got home there was a message from my parents asking
if we wanted to meet up for dinner as they are in town. I rang up and
said that I couldn’t because JJ had been so naughty that he was having
a bath, dinner and then straight to bed. He was upset about that
because he loves Nana and Pop and loves the fish and chips he eats when
we meet them for dinner. I missed out too of course and I was upset
that I couldn’t see them, especially as mum’s having an operation of
sorts today.
It’s really hard to get after school care and I don’t want to have to take that option but I may have no choice.
One of the hardest things to adjust to when you have kids, is the fact that they…and all of THEIR issues come first. You are automatically put on the back burner from day one. And, rightfully so Jen. That little person depends on YOU to make their every decision until they are mature enough to make them on their own. It does hurt to miss some things because you have another agenda with JJ…but, that’s exactly what being a mum is about..the realization that someone takes precident over you, and you are the one guiding them into becoming the best person they can be. The hardest job? You bet….by far….and, the most rewarding. BTW…I think you are a fantastic mum….lucky, lucky JJ.