For some insane reason I’ve dobbed myself in to participate in National Blog Posting Month or NaBloPoMo for short. This means that for the month of November I am dedicated to one post per day for this blog. My record shows that I don’t usually do more than 5 posts per week so where are the extra posts coming from?
I racked my brains about this and thought I’d delve into my written journals – in particular my travels. I started doing this in my travel section, more specifically my first foray into international travel.As I have about 3 written journals I thought I’d post snippets of them as they are written and do an update on my memories of that particular time or event, with photos if I have them. Therefore a Then and Now type post.
This might not work at all, but it’s my plan. If this doesn’t work perhaps I’ll just take up the suggestion of writing bald faced lies.
Tomorrow while Halloween celebraters are celebrating, I’m taking a one day break from blogging and I’ll be back on the first of November.