The end of winter is drawing near – well actually there are three weeks to go but we’ve a hint of the finer weather to come.
It’s still cold in the mornings with a scarf, beanie and gloves needed for the early morning walk with the dog. I notice the sun is rising earlier because the sun is well and truly up by the time I get home from my walk and I will need to start taking my sunglasses again.
But when the sun does appear, it’s bringing more warmth with it and the winter coat has made a temporary hibernation into the wardrobe just in case it’s needed before it can be packed away until next year. The sun is also setting later and it’s still light when we get home after work.
Unfortunately the rain hasn’t made much of an appearance this year and the farmers are praying for it and us city folk with rainwater tanks are worried that they will run dry and we will be stuck drinking dreadful Adelaide water. Perhaps spring will bring lots of rain with it.
Jeez, I’m a little slow. Just found your site, and your reference to winter being almost over threw me. I guess I need to remember that not everyone lives in Maine, USA? 😉