Yesterday JJ, myself and two others went to see The Wiggles.
This is the first time I have every forked out lots of money like this for a short-term entertainment thing for JJ so I’ve done pretty well I guess and he hasn’t been deprived of things to do.
I didn’t really mind paying the money for him, but as an adult I resented having to pay the same full price. I would think they should charge a discount for adults. We did escape without being hassled to buy the merchandise thankfully.
That aside, he had a great time. Afterwards I asked him what his favourite part was and he said all of it. He’s been singing Wiggles songs ever since. They are infectious I must admit.
I’m glad, though, that I didn’t take him when he was two, or even three, as kids around me that were this age were losing the plot by the end of the hour and a half that the show went for. Even JJ and his mate were getting restless by the end.
They do put on a pretty good show with lots of variety for the audience, even an adult part where Captain Feathersword sings one of their songs while sounding like Mick Jagger, Britney Spears and Cold Chisel. There were the obligatory Wake Up Jeff moments where the close-up cam caught him trying not to laugh.
Last night after this, and after my very busy weekend, I had a wiggly wiggly good sleep.
I am amazed by the Wiggles. They are so popular…like Rock Stars. My granddaughter, Bella, loves them; and I’ve watched them with her many times on TV. I imagine they’re something special to see in person; but I agree, it wouldn’t hurt to charge adults lower prices for tickets. I think THEY could afford it.