I had an email dialogue with a new weblogger this morning – Joy Des Jardins over at The Joy of Six which started off by me welcoming her to the blogosphere and noting how addictive blogging is. She said, ‘It is MOST addictive…but, it’s one thing to be addicted to other people’s blogs and trying to maintain your own…any suggestions?’
It got me thinking about what inspires me to write for my own blog. Here’s what I came up with.
- First of all a passion for writing is within, and consuming. I used to keep paper journals and still have them but trying to write on paper regularly was not maintainable and this weblog is, especially as I can type a lot faster than I can write. Every writer I’ve ever listened to says that a writer must write, write, write. It makes sense, so I’ve taken it on board. Also, when I was studying for my degree a lecturer told me to write every day. It didn’t have to be much, just so long as I wrote. A blog satisfies this for sure and is the best solution for me to write nearly every day.
(Update: I think a writer needs to read too and I definitely do lots of reading.) - Reading other people’s blogs inspires me. Sometimes I’ll be reading a blog and a thought will go off in my head and I’ll expand on it in a blog post. This is how this blog post was initiated, through reading and emailing with Joy DJ.
- Just observing things that go on around me inspires me to write here. It can be something that I had a great time doing and I want to share, or it can be something that really pissed me off that I need to get off my chest. Writing is fantastic therapy for this.
- The last thing I can think of at this stage for my blog maintenance inspiration is the hope that I will find my niche with this writing thing. I know it’s at the tip of my fingers and on the periphery of my brain but I wish it would show itself. (I just read Joy’s about page and read that she’s searching for her niche too. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.)
I’m interested in more dialogue about this. What inspires you to write in your blog?
I totally agree with everything you’ve said…and appreciate you saying it. I know we have a lot of company out there Jen, that feel the same way. I’m inspired by what I come in contact with in my daily life. I have many areas to draw from… when I was single, a young mother, an older mother, and now…times in my life, moments, conversations. I’ve thought that some of it may sound silly putting it in writing, but have learned that it isn’t…someone connects with it somewhere. Don’t discard any of it…it’s of value to somebody….and usually A LOT of somebodies. -Joy