Now that daylight savings is in I’m a lot happier, as I’m sure a lot of parents out there are. For the last two months or so the sun and the birds have been starting to rise about five o’clock and along with it my son about half an hour later. The 5.30 mornings are not very conducive to my well being and I couldn’t wait until the clocks were turned an hour forward so the 5.30 start would be delayed by about an hour. Well it has happened. I think we should turn our clocks back and forwards when Tasmania does (a month earlier). By the end of March it’s dark at 7am and by the end of October it’s light at 5am as I mentioned above. Of course if I lived in other parts of the world this would be natural, but I don’t.
That aside yesterday morning and this morning were in stark contrast with each other in regards to getting myself and Jaycee Junior prepared for work and childcare respectively. Yesterday morning I broke from the routine slightly and let Jaycee Junior watch telly while I had a shower. I normally don’t do this but he was just going to watch me have a shower which would have delayed me getting ready somewhat. I told him that in order to watch telly he had to pack up the toys he’d already been playing with. After I finished my shower he was watching telly and hadn’t picked up his toys so I turned the tv off. In discipline terms I guess this was the right thing to do, but in regards to my sanity it wasn’t. He loves his television so he packed up his blocks but I didn’t turn the television back on which he didn’t like at all and through a tantrum that lasted a while.
I’m pretty determined not to give in to things like this and I do notice the pay-offs occasionally when he will pack up his toys and other kids don’t or won’t because maybe their parents aren’t so determined. Getting him dressed while he’s still in tantrum mode is not the right time to try to do this and by the time I eventually got him dressed I’m sure my blood pressure had risen dramatically. It didn’t help that I had woken up around 4am and had trouble getting back to sleep. The drive into work was also not easy with cars getting in my way which was in stark contrast to this morning.
I still woke up at 4am, went to the toilet and went straight back to sleep until about 7am when I was about to kiss a man in my dreams and Jaycee Junior woke me up. He ruins my love life!!!! Jaycee Junior did not watch television this morning but played happily and let me get ready in peace. We had breakfast quietly and quickly, walked the dog and had a good run into work in the car. Ahhh!!!!