Sat down to watch the eviction show last night and when I saw Gretel I nearly fell off my chair. Was that wig supposed to be serious? I sincerely hope not as it was so obviously fake. I normally think Gretel looks fairly good but the wig was sure noticed by lots of people of if the Big Brother forum is anything to go by.
On to Krystal. I’m glad she was the one to go as the thing about her was that she was a backstabber. One example – Krystal overhears a conversation between Terri and someone else about Bree and the funny look Bree gave Terri while doing the song task, then immediately goes and reports back to Bree about it – “Oh I wasn’t even going to tell you”. If you’re not going to tell someone, just don’t tell them. There were many other instances of Krystal talking about other housemates behind their backs – not that other people don’t do this but I think Krystal did it the most. And Krystal’s comment when Terri approached her about Krystal walking away when Terri was trying to speak to her. Krystal’s response was “You so shouldn’t take that personally”. How else would a person take it. If I was talking to someone and they walked away I would take it personally and think that person didn’t like me. How two faced is Krystal?
In her interview with Gretel after the eviction, Gretel was fairly kind to Krystal about her comments about other housemates and about why she thought she was nominated and evicted. I remember Gretel grilling Igor about why he thought he was nominated but not the same sorts of questions for Krystal.
So who will be nominated this week? Not really sure. Probably Ash again because she’s an easy target as she doesn’t help much around the house, Terri and Paul again maybe as people can use the same excuses rather than come up with new ones. Or will we see a new nominee this week?